At BodyChance, I guess the bankers still think we are stiffing the books.
They look at our Pro school's retention rate - over 85% - then compare that to other schools on their books. We're off the charts. Hmmm. REALLY?
Yes, really. When people believe, they are loyal. They become ardent, even radical. We all know that feeling - we've been through it, even if it has cooled off.
And actually, cooling off is a good thing. Look at it this way:
Years ago I was attending a "Wealth Mastermind" workshop in the Australian Sunshine Coast. A guy put up his hand to ask a question. I was sitting on the other side of the room, listening with increasing incredibility.
Here's what he asked:
"How can I cope with the fact that I am making too much money?"
Brendon - who was leading the session - took the question seriously.
"What's your problem with that?"
"It's freaking me out," the guy replied. "I'm not ready to be so successful."
Angelica stays late at school tonight - preparing pranks for us staid old baby-boomers who amble up in the morning.
How will they prank us?
By disrupting our habitual experience.
The world is full of disrupters. Every generation thinks theirs is the worst.
Back at the start of the 19th century, a train was a concept. When real trains showed up - slowly - it was a shocking. It revolutionized life. Suddenly - fruit could travel from one end of England to the other.
She does not identify her Self as a writer, yet she recently wrote a captivating email. I was impressed enough to take the time to let her know. Here's her reply…
"Thanks was like it came from somewhere else! I wrote it in an hour; no planning. Just started, and it flowed. It doesn’t often work like that though!"
But it will Jann; and it will work for anyone who takes the time to practice INCLUDING YOU.
It's night time now, and the Mullumbimby moon is just past being full.
Tomorrow at 6am - in Australia - I start my online group teaching course, and enter a new world. Like most things I do, one of my motivations is my belief that the best way to go deeper into anything is to teach it to others.
There is a huge future for our work in online teaching - and the promise of Alexander's discovery being more widely disseminated and utilized. I intend to be surfing at the front of this Tsunami.
A new idea about Group Teaching has recently taken grip in my mind.
I spent today preparing and recording the first class for my Group Teaching Discovery Course, which starts July 10th. And I got clearer and clearer about it…
In a session - just yesterday - an ATSuccess member asked an innocent question:
“Do I need to be an expert of a student’s activity, to be able to help them?”
Intellectually it’s obvious – Tiger Woods’ coach doesn’t play golf like Tiger! Does that stop him seeing areas for development? Older, beer-gutted men are often coaching baseball teams in America – would these old guys survive on the field?